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Child Safety for YouTube - Plumu

Our mission is to build the world's best online video viewing app for families

We believe that Plumu is the best tool that empowers parents to curate safe and enriching YouTube experiences for their children, balancing entertainment and education.

Our Story and Philosophy

Parenting is never easy, especially in the technological world we live in today. Online videos, such as those on YouTube, are particularly hard for parents to control. Kids get pulled into a rabbit hole of never-ending addictive videos that are often bizarre or inappropriate, for example, they may contain curse words or content aimed at adults, and there’s no easy way for parents to deal with this. At the same time, there are a lot of great educational videos out there too, but how do we, as parents, find them, let alone have our kids watch them?

After experiencing a lot of frustration with the status quo and the lack of good solutions to these problems, we decided to create Plumu.

Our guiding philosophy is to empower parents by giving them control. Let parents - and not social media algorithms - decide which videos their children should or should not watch. We believe that every family should have simple ways of setting such boundaries. Our incentives are to help parents get better control over video content their children consume, not to maximize video views or engagement in the app. Heck, if children use Plumu rarely and spend more time doing more useful things - we’ll be super happy!

We are just getting started with Plumu. It's still day 1 for us, and we will continue to constantly improve the product to better serve families.

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Child Safety for YouTube